Everything you never cared

to know about me:

Hey! That's Me!

Yep that's me. My name's Denise Morgen.

I'm in my early twenties and am in the Military. I watched
X-Files from the beginning but right after Small Potatoes I
caught this interview on TV where Carter said flat out he would
never let Mulder and Scully get together. I was devastated! For
me the subtle promise of a future relationship between our
favorite agents made the show! I hate to admit it, but I pretty
much stopped watching after that. I'd catch the odd episode, but
for me the passion was just gone. Then mid-1998 I
stumbled across the old Soulmates Eternal Archive while
wandering around the Internet. I was instantly hooked!!! I got
back into the show, started catching up on missed episodes, etc…
A few months later I started writing my own fanfiction and the
rest, as they say, is history!

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Supremely sated, um, I mean SATISFIED owner of

MulderClones R Us

Mulder Clone Number 49,131!


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